Gate Information and Procedures

   FOB's are the only device for opening the gate.
   Codes are given to an owner for a special event.
   Codes are deleted after the special event is over. Codes do not exist indefinitely nor are they granted on a permanent basis.
   Codes for general access are not granted because FOBs serve that purpose solely.
   These procedures are in an effort to provide our association a secure environment. Also, it is meant to prevent unfairness such that some members have codes and others must purchase and use FOBs.
   As necessary the gate computer program will be updated. During this procedure codes are updated and FOBs are added or removed. The gate is accessible during this time.
   If you have a gathering and would like a temporary code for your guests we can provide that code for the term of the gathering after which the code will be removed for obvious security reasons.
   If you need to request a code please do so by email and give two weeks notice for code entry.
   Remember the gate codes are specific to you and you are responsible for the actions of whoever uses them.
   If your FOB is not working at the gate you might have been removed from the system for non-payment of dues/fines. Please check with the Treasurer or Ways & Means Director if this happens.
   If you find the gate in not operating correctly or is locked open please notify a Public Safety Committee member.

Mountainside Gate Loop

Of particular concern is ATV traffic that crosses the ground loop and activates the gate. ATV traffic is required to turn around before the ground loop area.
Your cooperation will help prevent damage and control costs as well as minimize the time the gate is open and prevent unauthorized trespassers.