Fire Alert Information

The background color of the 'Fire' link located at the top of every page indicates the current Fire Alert status level. There are three possible colors; Green, Yellow and Red. Details of the various levels are defined below. The HLA Fire Alert Level is usually in compliance with level defined by Summit County, although the HLA board can choose to be more restrictive.

HLA prohibits all fireworks at any time, during any Fire Alert Condition

Firewise Information

Defensible Space Diagram
Firewise Landscaping
Roofing Materials & Shake Shingle Hazards
Be Firewise Around Your Home

Alert Condition Details

Green Fire Alert Condition - LOW

The Green Fire Alert Condition indicates that the fire danger is LOW

Members MAY:
  Have fires in APPROVED fire pits
  Cook outdoors with LP gas, natural gas, coal, or charcoal briquettes
  Utilize outdoor LP or natural gas appliances
  Utilize interior fireplaces that are maintained and in safe operating condition

Members MUST:
  Have a fire extinguisher, hose, or water bucket available at all approved fire pits
  Exercise caution and care

Yellow Fire Alert Condition - HIGH

The Yellow Fire Alert Condition indicates that the fire danger is HIGH
Members MAY:

  Have fires in APPROVED fire pits
  Cook outdoors with LP gas, natural gas, or coal /charcoal briquettes
  Utilize outdoor LP or natural gas appliances
  Utilize interior fireplaces that are maintained and in safe operating condition

Members MUST:
  Have a fire extinguisher, hose, or water bucket available at all approved fire pits
  Exercise extreme caution and care

Red Fire Alert Condition - EXTREME

The Red Fire Alert Condition indicates that the fire danger is EXTREME

Members MAY
  Cook outdoors with LP or natural gas
  Utilize outdoor LP or natural gas appliances
  Utilize interior fireplaces that are maintained and in safe operating condition

Members MAY NOT:
  Have any natural material outdoor fires
  Cook outdoors with coal / charcoal briquettes
  Smoke outside in unimproved and/or unapproved areas

Members MUST:
Exercise extreme caution and care