Water System Upgrade Meeting
Saturday February 4th - Zoom Meeting
meeting ID 896 9824 0818
passcode HLA2023

The following information is a summary of the known details of this project. Looking forward to your questions.

Hidden Lake Association Board

Hidden Lake Association Water System Plan History, Planning, and Available Funding Outline

Why is a Major Overhaul / Upgrade to the Water System of HLA necessary? Current Deficiencies with the HLA system include :

What has the HLA Board and Water Committee Done So Far?
Funding Opportunity
Simple Example Cost
Assume our current water service fee of $350/year remains

Assume we use just $1M for this project:

Utilizing the funding source approach
$1,000,000 / 40 years / 12 months = $2084/month
$2084 / 126 water services = $17 / month per water service (rounding up)
$17 x 12 = $204 per year per water service
$350 + $204 = $554/year for 40 years
NOTE: The yearly water service would raise $204 / year per $1M borrowed.

One time fee per water service approach
If we needed $1M and each water service owner funded it them self it would be
$1,000,000 / 126 = $7,936 per water service
$7,936 one time fee
$350 / year
NOTE: Each $1M required would be $7,936 per water service due as a lump sum.